Hi Guys,
I am feeling very relieved and relaxed today. Wanna know WHY???
Finally I am able to sign the nwjs mac app with App store 3rd Party App and Installer certificates and create the package and yippie its on App store. :) :) :)
Lets proceed towards the starting point and follow a path to Successful upload. Here you go.
Pre-requisites for Mac App Store Upload:
Mac App Certificates and their Naming Conventions:
Things to Do:I am feeling very relieved and relaxed today. Wanna know WHY???
Finally I am able to sign the nwjs mac app with App store 3rd Party App and Installer certificates and create the package and yippie its on App store. :) :) :)
Lets proceed towards the starting point and follow a path to Successful upload. Here you go.
Pre-requisites for Mac App Store Upload:
- All Apps must have Sandbox enabled. Yes its mandatory.
- Bit Code is not supported in Mac Apps. So chill.
- App must be packaged and submitted using Apple's packaging technology included in xcode or via command line tools.Third party installers are not allowed.
- Bundle Display name, identifier must be properly set.
- Provide proper Icon Files.
Mac App Certificates and their Naming Conventions:
- The name begins with:
- “Mac Developer” for a Mac Development certificate.
- “3rd Party Mac Developer Application” for a Mac Submission certificate.
- “3rd Party Mac Developer Application” for a Mac Submission certificate.
- “3rd Party Mac Developer Application” for a Mac Submission certificate
- Both your distribution and developer certificates appear in the My Certificates category in Keychain Access.
- The distribution certificates begin with the text “3rd Party Mac Developer” followed by the type of certificate and your team name.
- Only a team agent or admin can obtain and use Distribution certificates or Developer ID certificates.
- In Info.plist of your App
- Add a key [if not present] named Application Category and choose its value from list provided.
- Delete key CFBundleDocumentTypes and its Values
- Ensure that all the files can be read by Non root users. for this you can run command in terminal
- $ cd path_to_nwjs.app
- $ chmod a+rX *
- $ chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX,go-w *
- Provide readable permission to app file , Parent and Child plists also that will be served as entitlements while code signing the app.
- Create Parent and Child Entitlements.
- Set the Bundle identifier of the NWJS Helper App.
- Set the Bundle Identifier of the App_mode_loader App.
- Now Sign the App and create package to be uploaded:
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Child.plist hello.app/Contents/Version/59.0.3071.115/nwjs\ Framework.framework/Resources/app_mode_loader.app
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Child.plist hello.app/Contents/Version/59.0.3071.115/nwjs\ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/crashpad_handler
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Child.plist hello.app/Contents/Version/59.0.3071.115/nwjs\ Framework.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/AlertNotificationService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/AlertNotificationService
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Child.plist hello.app/Contents/Version/59.0.3071.115/nwjs\ Framework.framework/libnode.dylib
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Child.plist hello.app/Contents/Version/59.0.3071.115/nwjs\ Framework.framework/libffmpeg.dylib
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Child.plist hello.app/Contents/Version/59.0.3071.115/nwjs\ Framework.framework
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Child.plist hello.app/Contents/Version/59.0.3071.115/nwjs\ Framework.framework/Versions/A/nwjs\ Framework
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Child.plist hello.app/Contents/Version/59.0.3071.115/nwjs\ Helper.app
- $ codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --entitlements Parent.plist hello.app
- Create Package:
- $ Productbuild --component "hello.app" /Applications --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer : Organization_Name (Team ID)" --product "hello.app/Contents/Info.plist" myPackage.pkg
- Upload this package using Application Loader. Choose the latest one.
You may also face some Errors:
- The Session status is failed and the error description is "failed to open ssh session. (16)"
- Open Preferences of Application Loader.
- Click Advanced
- Select only DAV and unselect Signiant and Aspera.
- Resource fork : Finder information or similar ditritus not allowed
- $ xattr -cr hello.app
- Malformed framework : Framework must contain symbolic link
- Choose nwjs version that already has inbuilt support for symlinks.
- Unsealed contents present in the root directory of an embedded framework.
- Do not change Info.plist files other that nwjs , nwjs Helper and app_mode_loader.app
Fix the issues and upload again.
Success is here....
Hope you guys find it useful.
Thanks a lot for the view.
Thanks a lot @novin