Hey folks,
Please have a look at some cool terminal commands
1. Show / hide Hidden Files : Do relaunch finder after you hit this command
$ defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles true / false
2. Copy Contents of folder to another
$ ditto <path of Source Folder> <Path of Destination Folder>
ditto /Users/admin/Documents/test /Users/admin/Documents/Swati/try
3. Zip a Folder
Zip -r <path of resultant zipped file> <Folder to be zipped>
$ zip -r test.zip test
Zip -r <path of resultant zipped file> <Folder to be zipped> -x <file not to be included in zip>
$ zip -r test.zip test -x "*.DS_Store”
4. Unzip archive
Unzip <path of zipped file>
$ Unzip test.zip
5. Custom message on Login Window
Sudo defaults write <path of login window> LoginwindowText "custom text"
$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginwindowText "This is Swati's Mac.. "
6. Show AnyWhere option in GateKeeper of MAC OSX Sierra or Disable GateKeeper
Sudo spctl <prefixes>
$ sudo spctl --master-disable
7. Enable GateKeeper
Sudo spctl <prefixes>
$ sudo spctl --master-enable
8. Download content from any url
Curl -0 <url>
$ curl -0 http://file-to-be-downloaded.flv
9. To know the network connectivity
9. To know the network connectivity
Ping <host>
$ ping google.com
10. Lets talk
10. Lets talk
say "your text"
$ say "Hello Swati"Hope its useful :)